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What is VMDK File Extension? A Virtual Machine Disk File

The .VMDK extension is a format for the virtual hard disk that store information like actual hard drives. The .vmdk format is used to store the information of one or more virtual drives. Each virtual drive consists of an individual .vmdk file. VMDK files store data representing a virtual machine's hard disk drive

The .vmdk File Format belongs to the category of Image Disk Files

The VMDK Extension can be opened by the following software

  • For Windows and Linux
    • VMDK Workstation
    • Oracle Virtual Box
  • For Mac
    • VMware Fusion
    • Oracle Virtual Box

This File Format was initially developed by VMware

  • application/octet-stream
  • ESX and ESXi Hosts virtual Machine disk format location
    • /vmfs/volumes
  • Linux VMDK File extension Location
    • /path/to/disk
  • Windows .VMDK Location
    • C:\My Documents\My Virtual Machines

The VMDK file can be opened using VMware virtual Box and Workstation. This application easily opens VMDK File.


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